Call us on 01204 558 160 - Open 08:30-17:00

Open today 08:30-18:00

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Our range of floor care covers a wide area from Bissell spare parts to Carpet & Floor cleaning as well as Vacuum Cleaner Spares for all major brands such as Dyson, Electrolux, Hoover, Miele, Numatic, Severin, Shark, Vax.

We also have a fabulous range of Vacuum Cleaners from Numatic and Severin covering Uprights, Cylinders, Commercials, Stick Cleaners and the latest Robot Vacuum Cleaners.

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If you can't find what you are looking for then try to simplify your search. Model numbers are key to finding the right part so just try typing in your MODEL NUMBER. Alternative use a phrase of up to 4 words such as 'Miele FJM Vacuum Bags'

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