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If you can't find the spare part you're looking for or your repair is too expensive, have a look at the Severin range of small domestic appliances and Indesit, Hotpoint and Whirlpool large domestic appliances that we have on offer

Coffee Makers, Cooker Hobs, Cooker Hoods, Cookers and Ovens, Dishwashers, Fridge Freezers, Hobs and Hotplates, Irons, Kettles, Toasters, Tumble Dryers, Washer Dryers and Washing Machines

All Severin Products come with a 2 Year Guarantee. German Quality

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If you can't find what you are looking for then try to simplify your search. Model numbers are key to finding the right part so just try typing in your MODEL NUMBER. Alternative use a phrase of up to 4 words such as 'Miele FJM Vacuum Bags'

If you still can't find what you are looking for then let us help

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